ICMIM 2020 invites submission of original papers on all topics related to thescope of the conference, including but not limited to:

  • Automotive radar systems, modulation and waveforms
  • Interference and coexistence issues
  • Microwave systems, modules, components, MMIC, and packaging
  • Frontends and frontend modules
  • Design and testing of antennas, arrays, MIMO, and phased array systems
  • Wave propagation, channel measurements, and channel modeling
  • Analogue RF and radar signal processing, sensor data fusion
  • Machine learning for RF sensors systems

in these and related fields of applications:
  • Automotive radar
  • Intelligent transportation systems and other industrial applications
  • Autonomous vehicles at land, air, and sea
  • Mobile communications (e.g., ITS-G5/DSRC, C-V2X, 5G)
  • Sensing and imaging techniques and systems (passive, active)
  • Wireless localization, navigation, and sensor networks
  • Environmental detection and sensing
  • System measurements, performance evaluation, test and validation

Conference Organization

The conference contributions will be arranged as regular oral or interactive poster presentations in up to two parallel tracks. Internationally renowned keynote and invited speakers from industry and academia will highlight the state-of-art in key areas of ICMIM. The conference also plans to include an industrial exhibition and best paper awards.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: January 7, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: February 7, 2020
Early Bird Registration Deadline: February 21, 2020
Conference Date: April 20-21, 2020


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